How to Make Appetizing Chickpeas Salad/Salad Kacang Arab

Chickpeas Salad/Salad Kacang Arab.

Chickpeas Salad/Salad Kacang Arab You can cook Chickpeas Salad/Salad Kacang Arab using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Chickpeas Salad/Salad Kacang Arab

  1. Prepare of cook/cans chickpeas.
  2. Prepare of sweet corn.
  3. You need of lemon.
  4. You need of onion.
  5. You need of parsley leaves.
  6. It's of carrots.
  7. You need of salt.
  8. It's of olives oil.

Chickpeas Salad/Salad Kacang Arab step by step

  1. Prepare the bowl big enough to mix the ingredients. Wash, and peel the onion, carrots. For the onion, dice it, and grate for carrots. And wash and cut the parsley leaves. Siapkan mangkuk yang cukup besar untuk mencampur semua bahan. Cuci, dan kupas bawang bombay, dan wortel. Untuk bawang bombay, potong dadu, dan parut untuk wortel. Lalu cuci bersih dan potong daun peterseli..
  2. Put all the ingredients, chickpeas, carrots, onion, corn, parsley, salt, and olives oil and mix it. Cut the lemon into half, take the juice, add it into the bowl, and mix it gently. Masukkan semua bahan, kacang arab, wortel, bawang merah, jagung, peterseli, garam, dan minyak zaitun lalu aduk. Potong lemon menjadi dua, ambil jusnya, tambahkan ke dalam mangkuk, dan aduk perlahan.. Chickpeas Salad/Salad Kacang Arab
  3. Chickpeas salad is ready to serve for supper diet menus. Salad kacang arab siap disajikan untuk menu diet makan malam. Bon Appetit! Selamat Makan!.

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